Somatic Narcissist
Somatic narcissists get their ego fed mainly through their attractiveness, power, money, or sex. They are often shallow and associate with either other shallow people or those who have power and money. They tend to be hyper-sexual, focused on their physical appearance, and are often very status-driven. They are often very seductive and are usually pathological cheaters. They may be highly successful, or they may latch onto others and use them for social status or money. Sex is their primary weapon, and they can put on an outstanding performance in bed, becoming the most amazing sexual partner their target has ever had and using their seduction and sexual prowess to create what feels like a once in a lifetime connection.

Example of a Somatic Narcissist
Lacy met James at a local café, and soon after, their relationship picked up speed. Lacy had never experienced the kind of chemistry and passion she felt with James, and the sex was off-the-charts. Soon after, James moved in with her and claimed to have been fired from his job. Lacy was understanding for the first few months but then began to grow resentful that she was paying all of the bills. James said that he was looking for a job, but everything was way below his skill level. Around this time, Lacy noticed that James seemed to have many female friends, most of whom he appeared to be secretive about. Whenever Lacy confronted James about this or any of his behavior, he was quick to lose his temper or give her the silent treatment. Their relationship went on like this for over a year. Lacy was torn between feeling like James was loving and devoted to her or a cheating, lying mooch, who was the worst thing that had ever happened to her. It wasn’t until she discovered a bank statement showing that he had been paying child support to a woman (and a child) she knew nothing about that she decided to leave.